Hotondo Homes Broulee Bay to Breakers Ocean Swim
Sunday 9 March 2025, Broulee – NSW
A swim everyone – a 500m Junior/Novice Ocean Swim and 1.4km Ocean Swim and Dash for Cash

Hotondo Homes
Broulee Bay to Breakers Ocean Swim
The 14th annual ocean swim brings together a community of people with the shared enjoyment of the ocean, participation and fitness.
Ocean Swim
Open, Age groups, All Age Flipper
& Multi-Class categories
Ocean Swim
Junior U12, U14 and Novices
Dash for Cash
Surf Swim
Entry open to all 1.4km swim participants
A swim for everyone!
The Hotondo Homes Broulee Bay to Breakers Ocean Swim is a 1.4km ocean water swim from Shark Bay on Broulee Island out to the ocean and around the headland to the South Broulee (Bengello) Beach.
The 1.4km and 500m ocean swim events offer something for the young, novice, or well-seasoned veterans.
Conditions can vary from a peacefully calm swim to south-easterly chop and swell making for a challenging swim. If the conditions are judged to be risky the swim is moved to an alternative, safer site at the southern end of North Broulee beach.
If the event is cancelled the registration fee will be refunded.
Event details
Hotondo Homes Broulee Bay to Breakers Ocean Swim.
- 1.4km Ocean Swim, 500m Ocean Swim and a Dash for Cash (200+m)
- Date: Sunday 9th March 2025 from 9:00am.
- Description: An ocean swim from Shark Bay around the rock platform to Broulee Surf beach.
- Objective of the swim: A community of people with the shared enjoyment of the ocean, participation and fitness.
- Prizes:
> Open division first place male and female $400, second $150 and third $100;
> Age categories first place male and female $100.
> Dash for Cash male and female winners $200. - Wetsuits: Open swimmers must wear FINA approved swim wear. To be eligible for prizes age division swimmers must wear FINA approved swim wear otherwise wetsuits are permitted.
- Registration: Online form and payment via direct debit or credit card.
- 1.4km Ocean Swim entry fee: $60.00 (Swim twice – Open and age category $85)
- 500m Ocean Swim entry fee: $30.00
- Dash for Cash entry fee: Additional $25, open to all 1.4km Ocean swim participants.
- 2x Swim options: Total $85 (only two swims allowed).
> 1.4km Ocean Swim + Dash for Cash, or
> 2 x 1.4km Ocean Swims (Age + Open). - 3x Swim options: Total $100
> 2x 1.4km Ocean Swim (Age + Open) + Dash for Cash - Entries Close: 8pm Monday 3 March 2024.
- Late Entries: Close 12 noon, Friday 7 March. Additional $20 fee – no T-shirt.
- Water Safety: Water Safety is provided by the Broulee Surfers SLSC and insurance by SLSA.
- Categories: Male and Female
- 1.4km Ocean Swim categories: Open, 13 to 15 (under 16), 16 to 19 (under 20), over 20, over 30, over 40, over 50, over 60, over 70, over 80, Multi-Class and All Age Flipper.
- 500m Ocean Swim categories: Under 12, Under 14 and Novices. A novice swimmer is anyone over 14 that has never completed an ocean swim and would like to try.
- All Age Flipper Swim (over 13 years) – For any swimmer who wants to wear flippers in this event.
- Dash for Cash: A 200+m Dash for Cash, open to those who have competed in the 1.4km ocean swim. No flippers.
- Date for Age Group: As at 9 March 2025.
- Juniors: Under 18 participants require their parent / guardian’s consent on the day of the swim.
- Timing chip: Watch how to wear your timing chip.
- For updates – Follow us on Facebook
Register online payment via direct debit or credit card.
Entry includes swim cap and souvenir t-shirt.
1.4km Ocean Swim: $60
500m Ocean Swim: $30 Junior/Novice
2x swims: $85
3x swims: $100
Late entry: $20 additional fee
- $400 cash for Open division winners; $150 second place; $100 third place.
- $100 cash for Age categories winners.
- $200 for the male and female Dash for Cash winners.
Swim Categories
500m Ocean Swim – Under 12, 14 and Novices.
1.4km Ocean Swim – Open, under 16, under 20, over 20, over 30, over 40, over 50, over 60, over 70, over 80, Multi-Class and All Ages Flipper Swim.
Dash for Cash – 200+m Open to all 1.4km Ocean swim participants. You’ve got to be in it to win it!
Register to Swim!